EMT Screening
Medavie Health Services West requires that all applicants for positions as ambulance attendants, emergency medical technicians or paramedics possess a sufficient level of physical ability to safely carry out the demands of the job. EMT-SAFE is a process developed specifically for Medavie, intended to evaluate a candidate’s ability to safely carry out the physical demands of EMT work. Candidates who successfully complete the EMT-SAFE will be issued a Fitness Certificate valid for 6 months. This Certificate is a required component of the Medavie Health Services West application process.
Since March 1, 2004, Kinetik Rehabilitation Services Saskatoon has been administering, booking, and conducting the EMT-SAFE (EMT – Screening Assessment and Functional Evaluation). Sessions are offered as required through the year, coordinated with the application processes of Medavie Health Services West. During each session, several testing times are available.
For further information and to complete the required registration forms please click on the links below:
Registration Process: