Psychological Services

Our Registered Doctoral Psychologists assess and treat mental health and psychosocial concerns related to injury or incident. The assessment process involves asking clients a number of questions about pain, mood, anxiety, stress, sleep, coping mechanisms, family and other social supports, and any other issues that might be affecting their mental health and physical recovery. Treatment involves psychotherapy (talk therapy) to help clients cope more effectively with any of these areas which are causing them difficulty. Psychologists at Kinetik can be involved quite heavily or very little in a client's overall treatment program, dependent on the client's needs.

Psychosocial interventions include:

  • Individual Counseling – All clients have a member of the psychology staff assigned to their treatment team. You may explore issues that have arisen from the motor vehicle collision including changes in relationships, work, and feelings about yourself more generally. Individual pain management training is also often included.

  • Relaxation Training – Relaxation is one of the basic skills for effective self-management of pain. Each client is scheduled for six 1-hour sessions of small group relaxation training, typically beginning in the first month of the program.

  • Group Education Sessions – There are several sessions available to discuss and learn more about issues common to the experience of managing ongoing pain or limitations.

Clients are welcome to access or download the following guided relaxation-based audio files: